Industrial Day and Community Outreach at Lovisagruvan Mine


On 11th February the first of a planned series of industrial workshops was arranged at Lovisagruvan with more than 50 international participants.   Demonstration of novel sensing technologies; GeoCoreX10, Sorter, and 3D modeling. The workshop had over 60 participants, actively taking part representing a variety of countries, e.g. Greece, Bulgaria, Russia, Poland, and Finland.

Drilling at HCM W.Apliki Copper Deposit


Several areas were sampled with a hand core drilling method at various geological points (faults, gossan, stock work etc.) around the West Apliki deposit. In addition, five reverse circulation holes were drilled to verify the existing resource calculations that are based on past drilling results. Geological and mineralogical description and chemical analysis were conducted. All […]

Sorting pilots started at Lovisagruvan


The X-Mine pilot sorting system is integrated into an extra-wide sea container (the so-called mobile sorter). The pilot experiments with the mobile sorter have been started at the Swedish Zn – Pb mine, Lovisagruvan, in October 2019. The first results are very promising: The sorter is able to sort the rocks into ore and waste, […]

Forthcoming conferences​


The X-mine project will present in the following conferences:​ Fennoscandian Exploration & Mining, Levi, Finland, 29 – 31 Oct 2019 (please come and see us at the VTT booth)​ EU Raw materials week in Brussels, Belgium: X-Mine project will have a presentation on Monday 18th of October in the “Horizon 2020 Technology Success Stories” event

Mobile sorters arrival at Lovisa​


The sorting pilots in the X-mine project are starting. The sorting system is integrated into an extra-wide sea container (the so-called mobile sorter), which can easily be transported to the mines. The first mobile sorter has arrived at the Swedish mine, Lovisagruvan, in September 2019. After installation and training, the actual sorting experiments will start […]

X-MINE General Assembly in Sweden​


14 partners took part in the X-MINE General Assembly meeting in Stockholm, Sweden, on Tuesday June 11th.​ The meeting was organized by Orexplore AB with participant organizations: VTT (lead partner), Geological Survey of Sweden (SGU), Orexplore, Advacam, Antmicro, Lovisagruvan, Hellas Gold,​ Assarel Medet, Hellenic Copper Mines, Institutul Geologic al Romaniei (IGR), Bergskraft Bergslagen AB and […]